Monday, August 30, 2010

Post Graduated

I started to walk when I was about 8 months old and I ran when I was 9 months. I fell down and I cried. And every time I fell, I learned something. It hurt when you fell down and it was okay to cry.

Twenty years later here I am. Standing on my academic regalia (or in bahasa it called “toga”) and there was Gaudeamus Igitur sung in the hall. All the ceremonial things being prepared well and all the seats has been arranged, but guess what, I don't need all of them. I need more than just things. I need someone. I need my parents seeing me using my toga. Seeing me sung Gaudeamus Igitur. Saw me and just smiled proudly. But indeed, I learned something. Being mature was an option and I choose to be and act like one.

It's the end of a new beginning. I am not a 9-months-old-spoiled-lil'-boy anymore. I am a 20-years-old-post-graduated-man. Thus, I have a new journal to write on.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dear God,

Maybe I'm not Your best, but I'm trying to be better.

Pray by~Gumo

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rumahku Indonesiaku

In my personal opinion, so far these TVCs are the most breathtaking ads I've seen in my 20 years life. I love the way it tells people about the wealth of the homeland, the beauty of Indonesian culture, the lovely places that I'd loved to travel to, the whole conceptual ideas, and the execution that beyond expectation.

Happy 65th Independence Day my Indonesia..

Cahaya Asa - Gudang Garam

Indonesia Adya - Gudang Garam

Rumahku Indonesiaku - Gudang Garam