Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Passport 2.0

"The Internet is like alcohol in some sense. It accentuates what you would do anyway. If you want to be a loner, you can be more alone. If you want to connect, it makes it easier to connect.” 
― Esther Dyson

Passport 2.0 - istilah semau gue buat nyebut cara bikin Passport Online. Pasti udah pada tau kan kalo sekarang bikin/ganti/kehilangan passport itu bisa daftar online? Lebih cangcing!

Secara gue ga mau rugi bayar calo 500-800 ribu, gue mau share pengalaman baru gue bikin passport online, jauh lebih hemat waktu dibanding daftar biasa. Dan lebih hemat biaya dibanding pake calo!

First thing first, register disini , tapi be sure untuk buka situsnya Ditjen Imigrasi di buat baca-baca info lengkapnya. Disitu ada info persyaratan berkas, biaya, dll. Karena gue buat baru dan belum menikah (menikah ya bukan kawin haha), berkas yang gue upload adalah:
- Kartu Keluarga
- Ijazah/Akte Lahir
- Surat Rekomendasi dari Kantor

Ikutin aja step-step pendaftarannya, sampai dapet Tanda Terima Pra Permohonan trus diprint untuk disubmit saat nyerahin berkas lainnya. Anyway dengan daftar online gue juga bisa nentuin kapan mau dateng untuk nyerahin berkas-berkasnya.

Tips: mendingan register tengah malem atau subuh2 saat koneksi internet lebih cepet. Karena gue sempet coba daftar siang/sore gagal saat upload berkas dan ga muncul pilihan submission date berkasnya.

Day  #1 - Penyerahan Berkas

Cari info kantor imigrasi terdekat. Karena rumah gue di depok, gue pilih kantor imigrasi Depok. Jam penyerahan berkas yaitu 08.00 - 11.00 tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lo harus dateng lebih pagi!
Gue dateng jam 06.30, celingak celinguk, kantornya belum buka tapi udah banyak orang. Di depan pintu udah ada meja tumpukan map untuk dapetin nomor antrian.

Sebelum nyerahin berkas, lo harus minta map itu ke loket di bagian luar. Map bisa di dapet gratis, trus nanti juga dikasih 2 lembar isian Surat Permohonan. Jangan lupa bawa 1 bh materai 6.000, kalo ga bawa bisa beli di loket itu juga. Bisa fotocopy juga di situ.
PS: kalo masih pagi siapin uang pas.

Jadi berkas yang harus disiapin:
- Fotocopy KTP (bolak-balik, aslinya juga dibawa untuk pemeriksaan)
- Fotocopy Kartu Keluarga (asli dibawa untuk diperiksa)
- Fotocopy Ijazah/Akte Lahir (asli dibawa untuk diperiksa)
- Surat Rekomendasi dari Kantor (asli)
- 2 isian Surat Permohonan yang dikasih dari loket.

Nah saat semua udah komplit, dimasukin ke map trus ditaro meja. Tinggal nungguin nama kita dipanggil trus dikasih nomornya.

Trus nunggu... Sabar... Nunggu...

Loket pemeriksaan ada 3, ternyata 1 loket khusus untuk pemeriksaan berkas online. Gue dapet nomor antrian 109, dan antrian dimulai dari nomor 100. Udah gitu urutan 101 - 105 ga ada orangnya, jadi gue cuma nunggu 3 orang.

Saat dipanggil nanti berkas asli akan dicheck, trus petugasnya akan sedikit tanya2 tujuan buat passport apa. Kalo udah komplit nanti akan dikasih Tanda Terima Surat Permohonan. Diminta untuk balik keesokan harinya untuk foto dan wawancara. Jam 09.00 gue udah selesai. Yes!

Day #2 - Pembayaran, Foto, Wawancara

Sampe kantor imigrasi jam 07.00, langsung naro Tanda Terima Surat Permohonan di meja antrian. Petugas mulai manggil jam 07.30 untuk bagiin nomor antrian dan nama gue dipanggil jam 08.00 dengan nomor urut 10.

Jam 08.50 gue baru dipanggil ke loket 4, ternyata cuma buat bayar aja, biayanya Rp 255.000. Trus gue disuruh nunggu lagi pake nomor urut yang sama. Jam 09.05 gue dipanggil ke loket 6 untuk foto, finger scan, dan wawancara. Cepet banget ga sampe 10 menit. Prosesnya sih sebenernya ga ribet, cuma butuh sabar aja banyak-banyak. Nextnya gue disuruh dateng untuk ambil passportnya.

Day #3 - Take It and Enjoy Your Trip!

Butuh waktu 3 hari kerja, jam pengambilan dari 13.00 - 15.30, jangan lupa bawa surat tanda terima dan surat pembayaran. Karena waktu ngambilnya nanggung siang-siang sedangkan tugas negara ga bisa ditinggal, jadi gue minta tolong diambilin, tapi jangan lupa bikin surat kuasa. Jangan lupa dicheck lagi info yang tertulis di passport-nya. Enjoy your trip!

Friday, December 24, 2010

inFLUence style

Two days ago, I went to Bandung and I found this funny mask and bought it for only Rp 22.000,00 (about $2). Love it!

Friday, December 10, 2010

♥♥ The Voca People!

Who the heck are these people?

In their own words: "The Voca people are 8 friendly aliens from the planet Voca, a musical planet that has no verbal communication but use vocal expressions only. They have heard the music from earth for decades now and with their imitation abilities they have decided to pay a one evening tribute to humanity and to perform the songs they love as musical- gratitude."

Frankly, I think they're stretching it a bit about the planet Voca (who's heard of that place?), but their performances do pay wonderful homage to great music that everyone recognizes here on planet Earth.

Actually based in Israel, The Voca People group consists of five men and three women with amazing voices. They use those voices in a phenomanal a cappella method, creating not just music but vocals that imitate the sounds of drums and other musical instruments, creating an awesome blended sound in a humorous and entertaining way. In other words, they put on a great show for their very appreciative audiences.

The first time I saw their video performance I was like WOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!! They are super cool and badly talented. You URGENTLY MUST see it! I mean, trust me if you don't see their video performance, you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Week to Remember

"The song is ended, but the melody lingers on."

Whoaaa it has been a while I didn't update my blog because of one and other things. There were many shits and craziness happened to me, but the most exciting was joined Citra Pariwara as AdVolunteer (AdVo). For you who never heard about it, Citra Pariwara is Indonesia Annual Advertising Festival and AdVo are person in charge (mostly college students) for helping in exhibition and as Liaison Officer for judges and speakers. The event held in Senayan City from November 29th untill December 4th with theme "People Movement". It was super fun and I was so thankful I could be part of it. I met not only the professionals in advertising industry, but also a new family -AdVo 2010. There were 30 of us stayed in same hotel divided into 4 rooms. It can't be described in any words for sure. Being AdVo is all package, we got the show, the madness of fun, priceless knowledge and experiences, and the most of all, we got each other.

my 627's room-mates
(from left)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Read and Learn!

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away"

If you think you are the most suffering person and never happy about life, think again. Just read and learn!

The girl in the picture is Katie Kirkpatrick, she is 21. Next to her, her fiancé, Nick, 23. The picture was taken shortly before their wedding ceremony, held on January 11, 2005 in the US.

Katie has terminal cancer and spend hours a day receiving medication. The pain in her back was so intense it broke through the morphine that was supposed to act as a shield.

Even breathing was difficult now, she had to use oxygen.

In the picture, Nick is waiting for her on one of the many sessions of quimo to end. Her organs were shutting down but it would not stop her from marrying Nick, who was in love with Katie since 11th grade.

In spite of all the pain, organ failures, and morphine shots, Katie is going along with her wedding and took care of every details. The dress had to be adjusted a few times due to her constant weight loss.

1.KKatie and Nick were married at Church Hazel Park on Saturday, January 15th, 2005.

An unusual accessory at the party was the oxygen tube that Katie used throughout the ceremony and reception as well.The other couple in the picture are Nick's parents. Excited to see her son marrying his high school sweetheart.

At the reception, Katie had to take a few rests.The pain do not let her to be standing up for long periods.

Katie died five days after her wedding day. Watching a women so ill and weak getting married and with a smile on her face makes us think.

Happiness is reachable, no matter how long it last. We should stop making our lives complicated.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Flash Mood by Flashmob

Flashmob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place
, perform an unusual act for a brief time, then disperse.

I'm so in love with flashmob! Today on the magic 10, a flashmob was conducted in Jakarta. So regretful that I couldn't took part :'(
I promise myself, someday

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Break the Perspective

Awesome pictures by Photographer Steph Goralnick on the April Fools. I really do wanna try to take some pictures like that. So fun and coooool!

PSA on Fire

Back in college, my team-mates and I were assigned by our lecturer, Mrs. Jeanny Hardono, to make a Public Service Announcement (PSA). After a stormy brainstorming, we came up with the final idea to make a PSA about short-circuiting issue that lately caused fire (fyi, in January to July 2009, 400 cases of fire in Indonesia caused by short-circuiting). So the advertising objective was creating public awareness to unplugged unused electronic equipment wires from the socket.

Well guys,
unplugged now before it's too late!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mr. Lennon

Happy 70th Birthday Mr. Lennon!
Thanks for being such a great music influencer..

Check out this zuper cool video by Google!

John Lennon Google Doodle

You see the similarity? Well yeah, on the right side (John Lennon) has already success, and on the other side (me) is going to be success. HAHAHAHAHA :DD

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Technology makes human cozy, easy, and lazy.

Dependancy on Technology ~by coolasapenguin1