In their own words: "The Voca people are 8 friendly aliens from the planet Voca, a musical planet that has no verbal communication but use vocal expressions only. They have heard the music from earth for decades now and with their imitation abilities they have decided to pay a one evening tribute to humanity and to perform the songs they love as musical- gratitude."
Frankly, I think they're stretching it a bit about the planet Voca (who's heard of that place?), but their performances do pay wonderful homage to great music that everyone recognizes here on planet Earth.
Actually based in Israel, The Voca People group consists of five men and three women with amazing voices. They use those voices in a phenomanal a cappella method, creating not just music but vocals that imitate the sounds of drums and other musical instruments, creating an awesome blended sound in a humorous and entertaining way. In other words, they put on a great show for their very appreciative audiences.
(source: http://www.squidoo.com/vocapeople)
1.KKatie and Nick were married at Church Hazel Park on Saturday, January 15th, 2005.
Flashmob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual act for a brief time, then disperse.
"Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals."-David Ogilvy
"Want you to know you make me happy... Want you to know you make me sad... Want you to know you make me happy... You are the best thing I've ever had..."
I started to walk when I was about 8 months old and I ran when I was 9 months. I fell down and I cried. And every time I fell, I learned something. It hurt when you fell down and it was okay to cry.