Friday, September 17, 2010

Hello Insomnia!

I was so glad that I felt so sleepy although the time still pointed at 7.30 pm. I really did. Because as I told on my previous post, I always slept after 5 am and that was killing me. So I decided anyway to go to sleep. I was so excited because finally I slept early. (yeay!) But guess what, here I am. Awake. Right at 12 am. Great! Am I cursed or something? Eeeerrrgh I'm so can't believe it!

Well, then I decided to turn my TV on and watched a film on TV titled "Death Becomes Her", starring Bruce Willis, Meryl Streep, and Goldie Hawn. It's a dark comedy fantasy film and I think the storyline is unique and interesting for an 1992 film (I googling and yes it was an old movie and yes it also won Academy Award for Best Visual Effects). I think it's a good movie and quite entertaining. Well yeah, at least I've something interesting to watch instead of blank and do nothing.

Days of Insomnia II by ~PomadMan

PS: I ended up sleeping at 7 am and slept for only 2 hours. Purefect!

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